Harnessing the Universe’s Influence to Have More Money Now

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Make More Money

Harnessing the Universe's Influence to Have More Money Now You can quickly open up your pathway to abundance. Read on to find out how. By JAIME ELLITHORPE Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution? If you’re like most people, you aim big like losing weight, healing a broken relationship, or stopping a bad habit. One year my New Year’s resolution was to work on my relationship with money. My goal was two-fold:  Cut down debt, and create more prosperity. I decided to take an unconventional approach because I’d been studying some pretty profound ideas on how money works from…

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Should Indicates You Need to Rethink Things Immediately

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Stop People Pleasing

Should Indicates You Need to Rethink Things Immediately If you're tired of trying to please others, now's the time to reframe how you think about obligation, duty, and guilt. By JAIME ELLITHORPE In our jet-set lifestyle, it’s tough to get it all done. Most of us run from the minute we get out of bed until it’s time to fall asleep...and then do it all over again the next day. I know those feelings too well. My attempt to do more led me to writing it all down. It was my version of a to-do list. Much to my surprise,…

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It’s a Great Day When Something Needs Replaced

It's a Great Day When Something Needs Replaced Sometimes letting go of the old brings in opportunity for the new...especially when something breaks down. By JAIME ELLITHORPE Have you ever had something break down on the worst possible day, at the worst possible time? And to top it all off, these “mishaps” seem to happen all at once or when money is tight. Grr!! A few weeks ago, I was pulling into our family church parking lot to attend the annual family reunion. There were no spots left except one spot with a light pole off to the side. I…

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The Mind Cancer That’s Suddenly Making You Unhappy-Part I

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Your Unhappy Mindset

The Mind Cancer That's Suddenly Making You Unhappy-Part I Do You Just Wish You Could Be Happier? Your Mindset May be to Blame. By JAIME ELLITHORPE You have mind cancer. As a matter of fact, we all do. The good news is it’s the figurative kind. If we did have real cancer, our brains would eventually lose the ability to clearly process thought. The cancer cells would essentially distort our neuro pathways, and our thoughts would become unclear. What if this same process happens when we’re fed “abnormal” thoughts?  Abnormal thoughts occur when we take in the ideas and opinions…

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The Mind Cancer That’s Suddenly Making You Unhappy-Part II

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Unhappy with Life and Business

The Mind Cancer That's Suddenly Making You Unhappy-Part II Most of your unhappiness is not your fault. It's because you've been programmed. Read on to see how you can break free. By JAIME ELLITHORPE You’ve probably had mind cancer for quite some time. As a matter of fact, the dis-ease is so ingrained; you probably don’t recognize any symptoms. Most experts in psychology agree that most of our mental framework (ideas about the world and thoughts about who we are) are created by the age of six. Think back as far as you can. Did your mom and dad support…

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Discover Now How to Conquer Your Bad Mood Within Seconds

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Get Happy Now

Discover Now How to Conquer Your Bad Mood Within Seconds What if you could go from feeling terrible to feeling great in a matter of seconds? Read on to find out how you can shift in just an instant. By JAIME ELLITHORPE I didn’t mean for it to happen, but I had a really bad day recently. From the moment I woke up, everything I tried to accomplish turned into a hassle. By noon I was ready to go to bed and start over. Can you relate? Whether we subconsciously create bad days or not, we have the choice in…

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